Becoming an attractive city with jobs that matter

Our image as an employer changed. The aim is for us to be the number one choice for job applicants in a number of fields.

We improved our employer image through extensive collaboration with our divisions and municipal enterprises. Our goal was to create a vision, shared by the entire organisation, for how people imagine us as an employer. The reinvented employer image is crystallised in the City-wide slogan: Helsinki. Work that matters. 

In addition to the shared slogan and uniform visual appearance, we developed tools, structures and new abilities for increasing the City’s appeal as an employer. We moved from recruitment marketing to creating ourselves a more extensive employer image in order to find the best talent.   

The City aims to be the top choice amongst applicants in key sectors, attracting them to apply for jobs with the City. This is strongly influenced, among other things, by our staff members’ experience of us as their employer. 

According to the Kunta10 survey, 79.6 per cent of our staff would recommend the City as an employer. This figure has risen by 3.7 percentage points since the 2018 survey.  

Guidelines in a shared manual 

The employer image manual encourages and instructs the divisions and municipal enterprises to find their own ways to be appealing and discover employer stories for their target groups to be used in their job advertisements, social media channels and internal communications. 

The manual lists concrete influencing measures for improving both the external and internal employer image. Furthermore, it provides guidelines for achieving coherent recruitment communications while taking into account the special features of each division and municipal enterprise. 

We created our employer image slogan and the supporting material together with communications agency Miltton.

In the autumn, we held a theme event for our HR and communications staff on our employer image. The event’s workshops resulted in a list of further development needs, including cooperation with education providers, employee ambassadorships and encounters with applicants during virtual events. 

We have begun to work systematically towards including effective career stories in the City’s social media channels. In addition to that, we have been providing training on how to plan effective encounters and on the special aspects of virtual events.  

Over the course of the year, the City had a total of
12,261 positions open for application.

The number of applications submitted was 108,456.

Our job advertisements were viewed 1,324,386 times. 

The number of downloads on the Helsinkirekry job advertisement pages was 4,522,999.