Tag: City Executive Office

28 results

City of Helsinki’s Environmental Protection Targets 2040

Published on 18.6.2024

City of Helsinki’s Environmental Protection Targets 2040 (PDF) The City of Helsinki’s Environmental Protection Targets 2040 is a document that guides the city’s environmental protection activities. It specifies environmental targets…
City of Helsinki’s Environmental Protection Targets 2040

Annual Report 2023

Published on 12.6.2024

Annual Report 2023 The City of Helsinki’s Annual Report is compiled by the City Executive Office in cooperation with the city’s divisions. The report presents the city’s operations and finances…
Annual Report 2023

Multispecies city

Published on 19.12.2023

The City of Helsinki aims to be carbon-neutral by 2030, carbon zero by 2040, and thereaftercarbon-negative. The Helsinki City Strategy requires that a scenario review is carried out in order…
Picture of Vallisaari in summer, passenger ferry in the background.

Annual Report 2022

Published on 19.6.2023

The City of Helsinki's Annual Report 2022 The City of Helsinki’s Annual Report is compiled by the City Executive Office in cooperation with the city’s divisions. The report presents the…
City of Helsinki Annual Report 2022.

Helsinki UNESCO City of Design Report 2019—2022

Published on 31.1.2023

This report was prepared by the City of Helsinki for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network as a Membership Monitoring Report to present the activities of Helsinki as a City of…
Helsinki UNESCO City of Design Report 2019—2022 cover

Helsinki Tourism Sustainability Policy

Published on 31.1.2023

Helsinki on linjannut kestävän matkailun toimintaperiaatteet (engl. policy), jotka ohjaa kaikkea kaupungin matkailun kehittämistä. Tässä julkaisussa on määritetty ne sitoumukset, periaatteet, arvot ja viitekehys, joiden puitteissa Helsinki kehittää kestävää matkailua…
Helsinki Tourism Sustainability Policy -kansikuva

The City of Helsinki's Annual Report 2021

Published on 22.6.2022

The City of Helsinki's Annual Report brings together the year 2021 in Helsinki. The Annual Report contains the message from the Mayor and and City Manager's review. In addition, the…
Annual Report Helsinki.

Helsinki Tourism and Events Programme 2022–2026

Published on 11.5.2022

This tourism and events programme is a joint document of the Helsinki City Group operators to support the long-term development of the tourism and event sectors for 2022–2026. The programme…
Helsinki tourism and events programme 2022–2026 cover