Your options at a glance

Schools run by the City of Helsinki

Local school

Studying in Finnish or Swedish in a regular classroom in a school close to your home.
More information in the local school section: Local school.

Preparatory education

Learning the Finnish or Swedish language and getting familiar with everyday life in a Finnish school. Learn more about preparatory education in section on preparatory education: Preparatory education.

Basic education in English

Studying entirely in English. This option is introduced in the Basic education in English chapter.

Bilingual education

Studying partly in Finnish and partly in the target language (Chinese, English, Estonian, North Sami, Russian or Spanish). Learn more about bilingual education options on the Bilingual education page.

Other alternatives

Private and state-owned schools

There are several private and state-owned schools in Helsinki that offer instruction in different languages. These options are introduced in the Other alternatives chapter.


In home-schooling, a parent or guardian is responsible for ensuring that you meet the set goals of comprehensive education. Learn more about home schooling in the Other alternatives chapter.