Other alternatives

Private and state-owned schools offering instruction in different languages

In addition to basic education options run by the City of Helsinki, there are several private and state-owned schools in Helsinki that offer instruction in different languages. Some of them follow the Finnish national core curriculum, and some follow international curricula or the curricula of other countries. Some private schools may charge fees. These schools are not governed by City of Helsinki, so if you are interested in learning more about their special emphases, curricula and admission policies, see the schools’ websites for more information or contact the schools directly.

Private and state-owned schools in Helsinki offering instruction in different languages

Options in other cities

You can also check what the neighbouring cities Espoo and Vantaa have to offer. Distances in Helsinki Metropolitan Area are relatively short, and commuting to work and school is usually quite easy and convenient, thanks to the good public transportation system. Espoo and Vantaa have their own international schools, and you can contact these schools directly to ask about their availability. However, as in the case of Helsinki, residents of the respective cities are usually given priority in the admissions.


In home-schooling, a parent or guardian is responsible for ensuring that you meet the goals set for comprehensive education. Parents or guardians can do the teaching, or they can hire a teacher. Either way, in home-schooling you should study the same subjects and core contents as pupils in classroom instruction. Your municipality monitors your progress during your studies. Read more: Home schooling.

If you are interested in home-schooling, contact your local school. They will help you with the paperwork and guide you further with the process.