Environmental economy

Environmental economy includes the income, costs and investments made primarily for environmental reasons. The information is presented for the parent organisation, meaning the divisions, public enterprises and departments.

The internal environmental income added up to some 8.3 million euros, which made up 0.7 per cent of the total operating income of the City and 13 euros per capita. The most significant income was generated from vehicle transfer fees in connection with street cleaning (22%) and city bikes (20%).

Environmental income

8,309,833 euros

Environmental income

The environmental costs, including amortisations, added up to a total of 97 million euros (+0.9% from 2018). The environmental costs made up 2.1 per cent of the City’s total operating costs, equalling 148 euros per capita. The City’s largest expense items were the costs of climate protection (29%), sanitation and waste management of the areas (21%), and promoting climate-friendly and environmentally friendly transport (19%).

Environmental costs

96,652,250 euros

Environmental costs

The environmental investments added up to 135 million euros, which was 18.2% of the total capital expenditure of the City and 206 euros per capita. The City’s environmental investments remained at the same level as the previous year, and the largest investments were related to promoting climate and environmentally friendly transport (HKL’s public transport investments) (76%) and soil decontamination (18%).

Environmental investments

134,939,394 euros


The value of environmental responsibilities in the financial statements on 31 December 2019 was 22.2 million euros. The responsibilities concerned preparing for the restoration of old landfills and decontaminating soil.