Current traffic projects

Map of current traffic planning projects.

Public transport projects in 2024

1. Kalasatama - Pasila

A tramway will be built between Kalasatama and Pasila via Vallilanlaakso. The construction is already in its final phase, and tram traffic will begin in August 2024.

The Kalasatama–Pasila project also includes the renovation of Hermannin rantatie, the pre-construction of northern Nihti, a Baana cycling connection in Vallilanlaakso and the construction of the northern entrance to Sörnäistentunneli.

2. Crown Bridges

The Crown Bridges project will link Laajasalo, Korkeasaari and Kalasatama to the inner city with bridges and a tram route. The new tram line and bridge will be commissioned into use in 2027. This will provide a new and fast seaside route to cyclists and pedestrians. The construction of the Crown Bridges project is well under way along the length of the entire route.

3. Yliskylänlahti tramway extension

The terminal stop of the tramway being built as part of the Crown Bridges project will be located on Laajasalontie, at the centre of Yliskylä. The City is exploring the option of extending the tram line further north by one stop. The matter will be looked into during the detailed planning.

The extension of the tramway could be implemented simultaneously with the changes to Laajasalontie. The plan is to transform Laajasalontie into a city boulevard all the way to the bridges across Herttoniemensalmi.

4. Viikki - Malmi light rail

A light rail line is being planned from Viikki to Malmi to link the areas in Viikki and Malminkenttä to the inner city and centre of Helsinki. The plan is to build connections from Malminkenttä towards Malmi station, Malmi Hospital and Jakomäki. From there, passengers can take the tram to Vantaa.

A decision on the first phase of further planning for the Viikki–Malmi light rail route will be made in 2024. More detailed planning will then continue. The construction is set to begin in 2028.

5. Mäkelänkatu boulevad city light rail

The City is planning to transform Tuusulanväylä and its surroundings into a boulevard city in a section of approximately three kilometres. This means that the current motorway will be turned into a street and new residential areas and workplaces will be built along it.

The transformed street area will have traffic arrangements for cars, a light rail, buses, pedestrians and cyclists. Once the restructuring is complete, Mäkelänkatu will continue from the northern part of Käpylä to the southern part of Pakila.

Käpylä station will feature good transfer connections between the tramway, local trains and buses. Good transfer connections with the line number 15 (Jokeri Light Rail) are also planned for the Käskynhaltijantie junction.

6. West Helsinki tram lines

A new light rail line from the city centre to Kannelmäki through Munkkiniemi, Haaga and Lassila will be constructed in western Helsinki. The light rail route number 14 will connect transport hubs, residential and workplace areas and different city districts to each other. The rail route will be the backbone of the western boulevard city's public transport network. Valimo station will become a transfer hub for buses, light rail and commuter train transport.

The plan is to build new tram network sections in the inner city on Fredrikinkatu and Topeliuksenkatu, alongside the light rail line, to complement the inner city rail transport network. This will allow the area's bus transport to be replaced with functioning, comfortable and accessible rail transport.

7. Jätkäsaari tram lines

The Jätkäsaari tramway network is complete save for one turning point. The Tahitinkatu turning point has been completed, and route number 8 has been extended there.

The construction of the Bunkkeri turning point has been delayed, and the site's completion is dependent of Bunkkeri’s demolition and redevelopment schedule. Once complete, line 8 passengers will be able to travel from West Terminal to Ruoholahti metro station.

8. West Harbour light rail

The Crown Bridges project is currently building a light rail route between Laajasalo and Hakaniemi. According to HSL Helsinki Region Transport’s route plan, the Laajasalo–Hakaniemi light rail will be extended to West Harbour at a later stage.

The West Harbour light rail involves developing the existing tramway route to make it suitable for light rail traffic. The new route will run from Hakaniemi to West Harbour via Kaivokatu and Kamppi. The general plan for the West Harbour light rail line will be submitted for a decision in 2024.

The current aim is to begin construction in connection with the renovation of Kaivokatu and Asematunneli in 2026. The goal is to complete the connection by 2030.

Evolving Baana network

Baanas are direct, high-quality cycling routes that allow cyclists to pedal at a steady speed. Once finished, the Baana network will form a regional network of cycling lanes covering 148 kilometres. The Baana routes are designed and built one section at a time.

9. Northern Baana

A Baana route is being planned from Käpylä station towards Tikkurila. Called the northern Baana, the route will be a main route for bicycle traffic, roughly nine kilometres in length.

A general plan concerning the northern Baana has already been approved and will be used as the basis for more detailed street and park designs. The planning and the upcoming construction will proceed in phases. The section from Käpylä to Oulunkylä will be planned first. After this, the project will continue northward to the section from Oulunkylä to Malminkaari. The first phase of street and park designing began in January 2024.

10. Pitäjänmäenbaana

A general plan will be drawn up for the Pitäjänmäenbaana route. The plan will define the principles based on which the current cycling and pedestrian route following the railway can be developed into a Baana. The route runs from Pasila to the border of Espoo along the tracks. The more detailed implementation plans will be based on the general plan.

11. Pasilanbaana, Tilkanvierto and Ratsastie

Cycling lanes have been planned for Tilkanvierto and Ratsastie, and their construction began in autumn 2023. The streets are part of the Pasilanbaana route, and they are expected to be completed in autumn 2024.

12. Eastern Baana (Tupasaarentie - Hiihtäjäntie)

An Eastern Baana section of about one kilometre is currently being built between Tupasaarentie and Hiihtäjäntie. The construction work is expected to be completed in summer 2025.

13. Eastern Baana (Valurinkatu - Marjaniementie)

Eastern Baana's general planning for the section between Valurinkatu and Marjaniementie was completed in 2023. More detailed street and construction planning will begin in 2024.

14. Munkkiniemenbaana

Munkkiniemenbaana will be a roughly six-kilometre main route for bicycle traffic from Mechelininkatu towards Tarvo. Initially, a general plan will be drawn up for the Munkkiniemenbaana route in 2024. The plan will define the principles by which the route will be built. More detailed planning will begin once the general plan has been completed.

15. Baana connectiion under the former Maria Hospital area

A tunnel for pedestrians and cyclists is being planned to run underneath the former hospital area of Maria. Its length would be approximately 200 metres. The finished tunnel will connect the Western Baana (from Lapinlahdentie) to the Baana that runs to the east of the former hospital area.

An indicative location has been marked for the tunnel in the detailed plan for the area. A general plan for the tunnel will be created in 2024. More detailed planning will begin after that.

Other current plans

16. Linnankoskenkatu (Merikannontie - Nordenskiöldin aukio) and Paciuksenkatu (Seurasaarentie - Merikannontie)

A street plan will be drawn up for Linnankoskenkatu and Paciuksenkatu. One-way cycling lanes will be built along the streets. The cycling arrangements at the crossroads on Paciuksenkatu will be improved. New crossing and intersection arrangements will be implemented on Linnankoskenkatu to improve the conditions for pedestrians.

The goal is for the construction of the streets to begin in 2026, once the renovation of Mannerheimintie has been completed. In addition to the traffic arrangements, the Linnankoskenkatu and Paciuksenkatu renovation project will involve renewing some of the municipal infrastructure.

17. Jätkäsaarenlaituri

The Jätkäsaari isthmus bridge is located between Ruoholahdenkanava and the harbour basin. The bridge is in poor condition, and the City intends to replace it with a new one. While rebuilding the bridge, the plan is to make the traffic in the area flow better by redesigning lanes according to an approved transport plan.

An additional lane will be built for vehicles coming from Jätkäsaari and turning right. These will be introduced to the crossroads at Jätkäsaarenlaituri and Hietalahdenranta.

The old two-span bridge will be demolished and replaced with a tubular bridge consisting of two tubes.

The work will be carried out in stages and traffic will be steered past the worksite in a way that minimises traffic disruptions. The plan is to initiate the construction at the end of 2024.

18. Kulosaari bridge

Damage has been detected in the foundations of the Kulosaari bridge, which is why the City is planning to rebuild it. The general plan for rebuilding the bridge will be completed in 2024. At the same time, the preparation of street designs has also been launched. The building of the new bridge is expected to begin in 2027. The condition of the bridge is being monitored.

19. Kaivokatu

The surroundings of the Central Railway Station and changes to Kaivokatu will be planned over the course of 2024. The work includes a transport system plan for the city centre, the master plan for the West Harbour light rail line and the related, more detailed traffic arrangement plans. The street and construction planning for Kaivokatu will begin based on these plans.